Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I've had a lot of people requesting the whereabouts of a coupon for Sole Obsession Footwear. In an attempt to maintain quality customer service, reduce expenses, keep merchandise pricing competitive, be able to bring you top quality product at a great price..yeah, all can enroll to receive email coupons (or mail coupons if you prefer) at our website. By entering your info on the Contact Us form at you will start to receive periodic emails with coupons and other sale updates. I cannot reiterate enough that we will never spam, pester, sell your identity, or in any way fill your inbox with a bunch of junk. You'll just be getting coupons and very relevant information about what is going on at Sole Obsession Footwear. And in the event that you decide you cannot stand to see another email from Sole Obsession you can take yourself off the list at anytime, without question. you ask? Sign up. It's easy, free, and hassle-proof.

Psst - remember to select 'yes' that you would like to receive info about sales. Otherwise I cannot email you.

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