Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moving update

Well, the move is progressing, albeit slowly.  I feel like I have so much to do but I can't really start until the walls are painted, flooring is installed, and all that fun stuff.

For now, I walk the perimeter of the store and dream.
I layout the floor plan in my mind, draw it on paper, scribble it out and start over.  I'm still waiting for the epiphany to happen...any time now.  Any Time!

My biggest dilemma...FLOORING!  Laminate, carpet, a mix of both?  I don't know.  If $ was not object that would be a different story.
But alas, it is.  Bummer!

What do you think?


  1. I like the laminate with the throw rug on top. I really liked the carpet know! :)

    Good luck!

  2. I really like how u have both in currant store. A small carpet area while trying shoes on, feet do not get cold on bare floor; then laminate for the rest. Easier clean up with laminate. But if u could have only one I would say the hard floor to get a true feeling with shoes.
