Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Foot Reduction Surgery?

What do you think?  Would you under go foot reduction surgery to fit into those cute heels you've always wanted?  Well apparently now you can.  Hollywood is taking plastic surgery and vanity to a whole new level.

I have to admit...I'm a bit jealous.

Maybe jealous isn't the right word.  I'm intrigued.  I would gladly give up my size 12 for anything smaller.  A size 10 would be fantastic.  I would be dancing in the streets in my cute new shoes.

The real issue is how much does something like that cost?  What would that set me back?  And I have read that you need physical therapy to learn how to walk again in some instances.    That sounds like too much risk to me.

Check out this article on some other options to change the look of your feet.  (note:  I do not in any way condone this blog but found the article to be interesting.)

Toe reduction could seriously help my situation.  Okay maybe not...that sounds painful.

I'm thinking that vanity has definitely reached an all time low.


  1. Interesting stuff. The surgery is tempting; I'm a size 12, too. I'd be happy to be a 10 or even 11! However, I think it's cheaper and less painful to just buy the bigger shoes.

    Looking forward to checking out your new location!

  2. I'm a size 12 as well in some cases I may even need a 13. I hate having big feet and want more information on the surgery.

  3. About 10 years ago a podiatrist told me that he could perform this procedure. It has been on my mind ever since then. I was in college at the time. Now that I can afford designer shoes I can't get them in a 12 or 13:( I will get this surgery one day

  4. I hate my size 12 feet with a passion. What makes it worse is they're wide. It makes me so envious that people don't sale cute shoes at bigger sizes. Sometimes I just want to cry because I can never find and cute shoes. My prom is coming up and I don't even want to go anymore. I would consider this surgery. Even for a size 10 or 11 heel... Payless is helpful but even they have plan pumps and its only a small section. At least the 12s have some rows. 13 has ONE puny section

  5. I keep reading about how women with larger feet can find shoes at such places as Zappo's. Not so if your foot is slim as well as long! It's a safety issue for me. I have literally walked out of my shoes and tripped over them.

    If I can't have them shortened, can I have them fattened? An 11 B would at least give me more options.

  6. I'm 16 and wear a 15 in women's shoe and I'm only 5'8". Having a surgery like this will drastically change a lot about me. I've always had giant feet. I really hope to learn more about this, it's practically impossible finding Nice dress shoes that aren't too 'showy' or just plain ugly. I love the way I look, but if anything like this becomes affordable to ke ever, I'd love to see the reaults it would bear. However, the awkward looks you get from store associates is always amusing to my friends and myself.

  7. I have a wide 4E foot, and I am size 10 or 11 in womens shoes. I hate my feet because I can find I can fit a size 11 shoe in main shoe shops, but when I try on shoes, they nearly always look very tight and stupid because of my wide foot. I wish I could have my foot width reduced in some way. I feel really insecure over my feet.

  8. I have size 15UK feet i'd love to be a size 10 so i could fit into Winklepickers!
