Thursday, August 12, 2010

The moving post that never was

Did I say I'd post about the move on Tuesday?  I don't know what I was thinking.  I've been meaning to.  I even took pictures with my friends camera because I can't find mine.  Now I have lost hers. (Shhhh...don't tell on me.)

To put it bluntly this week has been insane.  I'm officially over the edge.  I'm embracing one of my favorite U2 songs "I'm running to stand still".  I finally understand the meaning behind it and hoping that Monday is my stand still day.

Here's my thoughts on the big MOVE...

1.  I love friends and family that help.  A huge thanks to Jerrie, Nicole, Katie and my handy man Arnie.  My BFF's right now.
2.  I dislike trying to decide on a new layout.  This part has caused me to
S-T-R-E-S-S.  I can't move the shelves around once they are up so it's now or never.  ACK!
3.  I'm severely ADD (self-diagnosis) and jump from one task to the next which is causing me a lot of frustration.  A lot is started, nothing is finished.  As Arnie would say, "Aiy, Senorita!"
4.  I cannot wait to unveil the new store and the new shoes and boots this Monday.  It's like the perfect storm.  A ton of fall styles have started to arrive this week.  Just in time for me to move them (this part is the 'storm' ~ like I need more to move) and have a fantastic unveiling for all of you on Monday (the 'perfect' part).  I am very excited for fall shoes.  They are awesome.

Here's a sneak peek ~

Cecilia by Born ~ Perfect in every way.

Dansko's new Rudy!  Can you believe this is a Dansko?
You have to try it on to believe it.  It is awesome!

There's so much more but you'll have to come in to see the rest.

Plus...on sale now
  • All Born sandals are $20 OFF!
  • Chaco sandals and flip flops are 20% OFF!
  • Simple sneakers 25% OFF!
  • Select Merrell sandals on SALE!
  • All Sandals are Buy 1 Pair, Get the 2nd Pair 30% OFF! (regular price, equal or lesser value)
Moving Hours:
Open Friday, Aug 13th 
Closed Saturday
Opening Monday at our Fairway location

We look forward to showing you around the new store!


  1. Are those boxes? Of shoes? Noooooooo....

    What is that in your van Kelly? Is that? hahaha!!!

    It's been a pleasure helping you move. I've enjoyed every second (even the many seconds when I may have "lost" my purse). Can't wait to see the new set up!


  2. Excited to see the new digs, and NEW SHOES!!! oh my oh my!!!
