Thursday, April 1, 2010

My 6am morning goal....aka Kelly floundering in chaos

Have you ever tried to be really organized, really planned out, and have it all blow up in your face?  That has been my week.  I decided, since I am a chronic over sleeper, that this week was going to be different.  I would get up at 6am and get myself moving so that my mornings wouldn't be so hectic.

The joke is on me.

I was up every morning by around 6:15 but instead of getting myself ready, my kids decided they would join me in my early mornings and be just as demanding as they usually are at 7am.  WHAT?!  I can barely do 6am on my own but having 3 kids around me too...NO WAY.  So instead of getting ready and being the nice sweet organized mom I had envisioned we have chaos!

Here's a snippet for ya..."Mom, I need a shower...No it's my turn that is why I got up so early...Mom, I'm starving I haven't eaten in 10 hours...Mom I forgot I have homework...You told me last night you didn't have homework...I know but I forgot {insert whiney voice}...Mom, I'm H-U-N-G-R-Y...Mom, I don't have any clean pants...Mom, I can't find any socks...Mom, can we have pancakes for breakfast?...Pancakes?  Are you kidding me?  Why is everyone up at 6:15am?"

I am so not over exaggerating.  This is my morning!  I think staying in bed until 7am is a much better plan. That way we only have an hour to behave chaotically.  Drawing it out is just silly, right?

PS. Did you notice how many times they say "Mom"?  Do they really think I don't know who they are talking to?


  1. Oh yes...I remember this! Mom -- the arbiter of the chaotic morning rush to readiness. It is a bit much to hit the ground running this way! Mornings should start slowly...For this same reason, I avoid baking things for breakfast. Cereal was created for people like me!

  2. Ahhh, sometimes I long for the days when I can look back and fondly remember. But I know...these days go fast. I'm trying to enjoy every minute of it, even the chaos.
