Friday, April 9, 2010

So Barefoot Day.  It's over and I am happy to be wearing shoes.

What did I learn?

1.  Wearing shoes is something I definitely take for granted.
2.   I need Botox in the near future.  The wrinkle (aka grand canyon) between my eyebrows has apparently grown overnight and may take over my entire face soon.
 3.  Shoes are essential in the world we live in.  Bare feet are dirty, dangerous, and it is just plain unpleasant to walk around without shoes.
4.  Somehow Torey managed to "wear" her own bare feet today.  Good job Torey.  (Did you catch it in the video when I commented that Torey wore bare feet.  Brilliant!)

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! I blogged about the experience.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    Let's not do it again. At least not for another year! :) Happy day!
