Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 3 of training ~ 2 Thumbs Down

I am going out for my 3rd run tonight.  I'm already dreading it.  And I'm only running 1 mile right now.  That's right, ONE MILE!!!!!  It is the equivalent of about 10 1/2 mins of exercise and I give it 2 thumbs down.

I have a lot of things to work through.  Not only is running physically draining, it is mentally draining to deal with so many thoughts that need to be weeded out.  Here is my list of issues.  It is not a comprehensive one but it gives you a glimpse into my terrifying mind.

{Feel free to not read any further.}

#1 ~ my confession of my distaste for running actually includes other types of exercise as well.  I really would rather curl up with a cup of coffee and a good book then get my butt in gear and exercise.
#2 ~ I am a terrible time manager and really don't have any alloted down time in my ridiculous schedule.  Reading a book doesn't happen all that often so exercise doesn't happen at all.  Time to rethink the schedule and make time.  This girl needs to move.  

#3 ~ Have I mentioned that I don't like running?

#4 ~ I am not a great self-motivator.  I have talked myself out of exercising in lieu of more sleep A LOT.

#5 ~ I think exercising my brain counts as exercise.  I'm confused or just plain ridiculous.

#6 ~ I have lots of books I would like to read and definitely need time to do that.

#7 ~ In a game of Scategories years ago the word "exercise" came up.  Under the letter 'M' I wrote "might".  My exercise rebellion is deep seeded.  

#8 ~ I can think of sooo many other things I need to do before I can exercise.  I need a priority shift.

#9 ~ I want instant results.  This whole hard work concept is really throwing me.  

#10 ~ I can barely run to the end of my driveway.  Hard work may be an understatement.

I hear the Drill Sergeant calling.  I'd better get it over with.  Wish me luck!


  1. OOOO, good idea. I'm going to try that. I might need to get my breathing under control first so that I'll be able to hear it. All I hear now is wheezing. :)

  2. Oh, but the thought of running long enough to actually ENJOY a BOOK??? That means that you have to run for at least 20 minutes!

  3. Kelly you crack me up...it is like reading something I would write! :) Happy running!
