Thursday, June 17, 2010

I promised I'd

All I can think about is running.  Do I have to run today?  Why did I decide to run?  Should I run farther than yesterday?  Should I feign sickness so I can be excused from running?  So many decisions.

So here's the low down.  Since my first running post I have jumped from 1 mile to 2.  I'm also running a bit faster ~ about 30secs/mile faster than when I started.  So overall, I'd say I've improved.

I still hate it!  H-A-T-E!  Didn't my mother teach me not to use such harsh words?  I guess not.

To give homage to running's redemptive qualities:

#1 - I have more energy.  When people would tell me they feel better and have more energy when they exercise I would typically scoff.  Usually I can hardly put one foot in front of the other so how can I exert energy and exercise when I don't have a surplus to begin with?  While I hate to admit being wrong.  The myth is true.  You do have more energy when you exercise.  Although you wouldn't know it when you see me pounding the pavement.  I look similar to an elephant.  You know how heavy their feet appear when they walk?  Yep, that's me!

#2 - I do feel better about myself.  I haven't lost weight.  I don't look like the Runners World model yet.  But hey, I do feel better knowing that I'm exercising so that counts for something.

#3 - When I run, I don't have to berate myself for my lack of exercise.  Can you relate?  Usually I sit at work, at home, in the car, wherever and discuss with myself IF I am going to work out and what that will look like.  Inevitably I always come up with a great excuse as to why I can't.  And then when I go to bed I think about how I didn't do it.  That is such a downer.  I do enjoy not having that to think about.

So I'm still plugging away and hoping to enjoy running one day.

On another note:  I have started attending the Drill Sargent's boot camp on Mon, Wed, and Fri.  This kinda of exercise is definitely more fun {term used very loosely}.  But the gals are a blast and it's fun seeing my husband in action.  Come join us if you dare.

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